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We wish to thank all our supporters for their faithful giving


Would you consider encouraging your friends, church, house group, prayer group to become a partner with us?

The need is great but we can only stretch as far as our finances allow us!

There are two types of people in the body of Christ, those who go and those who send. The Bible tells us clearly that BOTH will share equally in the heavenly rewards for their efforts.

This is your commitment – to support us regularly through prayer and finances.

This is our commitment to you – to stand hand in hand with you in faith – to pray for you on a regular basis -to keep you abreast of all that is happening through the ministry, through newsletters, prayer requests and other updates.

As a partner you are an active participant in every facet of the ministry. With the help of partners like you, we are able to influence the nations for Jesus Christ, through Crusades, Evangelism, Faith, Prayer and Healing Revival Camps, Supporting Pioneering Pastors, Church Planting, Distribution of the Gospel of John in the local dialect and many other forms of outreach.

Thank you so much for Partnering with us, you help is very much appreciated.
